
艾斯德斯将军.Esdeath.3.var插图Looks、VAM 艾斯德斯将军.Esdeath.3.var插图Looks、VAM1 艾斯德斯将军.Esdeath.3.var插图Looks、VAM2 艾斯德斯将军.Esdeath.3.var插图Looks、VAM3 艾斯德斯将军.Esdeath.3.var插图Looks、VAM4

Featuring custom high definition textures and custom morphs!

Available in 2 different forms: pogstyle and frost version!

This is my loose take on the character Esdeath from Akame ga Kill! It’s not meant to be a direct port or a 1 to 1 lookalike or something, just my style and interpretation of the character, or as I call it: pogstyle!

This upload also includes a custom ported hat just for this model. Done for me by the wonderful

If you want to have the hat stick to her head properly and carry over between scenes,

I hope even if you don’t know the character that you will find the model hot since it’s done in my style. Thank you!

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