The dog secretary

Package includes:

  • Full Morph
  • Textures
  • Hair (CUA)
  • Outfit

Winner of the #7 patron’s choice poll. After making it to the finals a couple of times previously, It won this poll by a single vote! Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll :)

Feels like a while since i’ve ported one of these but it was quite enjoyable to do. Tried a couple of new things that worked out quite well for this model, so that’ll be handy going forward.

Nipples – There is a morph included called “OniEkohvius – Isabelle (Nip adj.). This is to make the clothing fit properly. Disable this morph to get the proper nipple shape when nude. A scene is included for the proper nude settings along with an alternate 0.75 scale model.

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