Ever wanted to parent something, and un-parent it in a trigger, but smoothly? Or ever wanted to follow two objects at once? Well now you can! If you need to animate parenting using Timeline, you can do it since Timeline v3.1!

Check out the video to see how it works:


This plugin allows you to define a parent (and a relative position/rotation to that parent), and decide how much you want to follow that parent. Check out the video for a complete example, but here is the typical use case: attach a hand to the cheek in some positions, and then to the hip using an animation pattern transition trigger or a Timeline animation. You can also use it to keep something in someone’s hand and let it go when needed.

How to use:

  1. Add Rubberleash to the atom you want to parent
  2. Choose which controller (node) to parent (e.g. “headControl”)
  3. Choose which rigidbody you want to parent to / follow (e.g. “object” or “rHand”)
  4. Use the “Record current position”, this will remember what the object’s position is relative to the parent
  5. Change the weight from zero (no parenting) to 100 (full parenting) to decide how strong you want the effect to be

This plugin was initially supposed to allow transitions between animations, but now the feature is built-in in Timeline since v3.1.

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