
Plugins VAM


Improved POV handling so that possession actually feels right. Compatible with Passenger to reverse possession and have you follow the model instead. Try with Snug to also match your body proportions with the model’s! Why Currently, the possession mode (point-of-view) in Virt-A-Mate places the...
Plugins VAM


An animation timeline with keyframe and controllable curves. Inspired by Source FilmMaker, Blender and other animation software. There is actual documentation! Check out the wiki for instructions and demonstration videos. Requires Virt-A-Mate 1.20.77 or more recent!
Plugins VAM


This plugin comes from code made by other people, so here’s some proper credits: – geesp0t for making EasyMoan (I just updated it) – @MacGruber and @VeeRifter for the gaze script used internally – @VAMDeluxe and @MacGruber for the breathe script used internally
Plugins VAM


NOTE: Leap Motion is already supported in Virt-A-Mate. You don’t need this plugin if you want to use Leap Motion in VR! IMPORTANT: Virt-A-Mate 1.20 requires Gemini 5.0.0; Virt-A-Mate 1.22 requires Gemini 5.7.2. Instructions You need a Leap Motion device: You need the Leap...
Plugins VAM


Ramp up your creation workflow with a professional scene creation and navigation plugin! Quickly find commands using fuzzy search For example, if you want to open the clothing tab, open the fuzzy search and start typing “cloth” and you’ll see...
Plugins VAM


Ever wanted to parent something, and un-parent it in a trigger, but smoothly? Or ever wanted to follow two objects at once? Well now you can! If you need to animate parenting using Timeline, you can do it since Timeline v3.1! Check...
Plugins VAM


Write JavaScript scripts in your Virt-A-Mate scenes! Create and invoke triggers (float params, actions, etc.) Write maths, conditions, loops Run scripts on every frame Create custom Keybindings commands Check out the documentation! The tokenizer, abstract syntax tree parser and the runtime has been...
Plugins VAM


This plugin simulates jiggeling on the legs, glutes, arms, belly (and breasts) based on acceleration. The current tension of the muscle is also taken into account. It also simulates muscle flexing based on rotational acceleration and the pose your model is in (v14+). It...
Plugins VAM


For most of those plugins, you may want to use VaM’s default session plugins presets to always auto-load them, especially ForceEditMode, ForwardUnityLogsToSceneLogs and OnSpawnAtom. GameObjectExplorer.cs Allows you to navigate around VaM’s gameobjects structure. Early version. ForceEditMode.cs Automatically switches to edit...
Plugins VAM


This is a plugin that allows moving the player to a specific location with a trigger, or on scene load. Simply add it to an empty object, move it where you want to spawn, align the x axis (the blue...
Plugins VAM


Configures and customizes collisions (rigidbodies and colliders). How to use Once the plugin has been added to an atom, you will be able to configure the collider. Here’s a minimal explanation on the terminology: A rigidbody is a shapeless object which is...